
This morning, the breakfast table on GMFB talked about the Indianapolis Colts tweeting out this picture with the caption “Andy and Woody” #ToyStory4:

The first Toy Story came out in 1995 and thr second in 1999. However, for Sean‘s second Halloween in 2002, he wanted to be Woody from Toy Story. He was almost 2 and he called Woody, “Boody.” My friend, Ami, made him the BEST Woody costume! This was before social media and I’m frustrated that I can’t locate the pictures right now.

I stayed up all night days before Halloween in order to carve two pumpkins for the occasion. It was the first time I pulled an, “all nighter” as a mother (Sean was a perfect baby!). I had just ordered two carving kits online, One with Woody’s face and another with Buzz’s face. Just after I finished carving the pumpkins and lit candles into the pumpkins; Sean woke up.

The pumpkins were on my parents’ stove and as Sean turned the corner and saw them, he exclaimed, “BOODY!” At that moment, I was extremely tired but it was COMPLETELY worth it!

Sean had Woody, Buzz, and the Hot Dog toys. My Mom wrote Sean‘s name on the bottom of Woody’s booth similar to Andy’s in the movie. I just found Woody again a couple years ago:

Nate Burleson commented that he hoped Toy Story 4 didn’t get him as emotional as Toy Story 3 did. Peter referenced the incinerator. OH MAN!!! That was rough!!!

My brother took Sean and me to see Toy Story 3 at the Greenfield Village IMAX theater when it came out in 2010. I remember we talked about on that scene being kind of difficult!

Sean and I saw that a fourth Toy Story was coming out and he will drive me this time. He told me that he didn’t care that he was 17, he wants to see the movie! I told him that I do too!