Books I’m Reading 5.22.19

Sean asked me to order this book for him because the class was reading it in his English class. I recalled reading the same book when I was in 11th grade also and I started talking to him about it but I couldn’t quite remember things. I told him that when he was done with it, that I wanted to read it.

I have a number of books in my queue to read and I chose to read this one because I am currently watching a Netflix series, You at my friend’s recommendation. It’s a bit crazy and one of the character’s name is Peach Salinger. I think in the show she is the adopted daughter of JD Salinger.

Before he took the book to school, I told him to write his name in the book. It thought it would be like a dedication or the author’s autograph written on one of the first couple pages just so his book wouldn’t get mixed up with other kids’ books which are all the same. This is how he interpreted me telling him to write his name in the book:

I showed my Mom what he did this morning and we both laughed. When Sean got home from school today, I showed him where I wanted him to write his name and we both started to laugh because that’s not where he ended up writing his name!