
What I was young, probably third or fourth grade, my friend, Heather Wells gifted me a huge box with the entire Babysitters Club book series. I felt as if I had struck gold! I also learned very quickly that when it was summer, I could read an entire Babysitters Club book in one day. I have always loved to GOBBLE Books up!

I’ve written before about when I first started reading the Twilit series when it was really popular and I had just been given four copies of all four books for my classroom library. During silent reading, I flipped the first book open and started to read. It was terrible because I HAD TO finish all four books in four days (maybe five) and I did not grade any papers during that entire week!

When I was still an undergrad, there were times where I forewent sleep to start and finish a book. I did that for The da Vinci Code. However, now that I’ve had MS for 18 years, things have begun to change. I can no longer do that.

I am currently reading:

I saw a video on YouTube not too long ago, actually, it probably was a commercial, that let me know if you read for 45 minutes a day, most likely you will finish a book in one week. I began reading this book on May 10th. It’s been longer than a week! This morning, I only had 100 pages left. It’s sad to me that I know that I will not be able to finish it today.

The old me, before MS, would have been able to. But now, my eyes are shaking and after a while the green leopard print comes back and I read A LOT slower than I used to. Maybe it’s a whole neurological thing. I don’t know! But I know that it stinks!

My brothers have always called me a nerd because I am such an avid reader! I don’t mind being called a nerd for the fact that I am heartbroken that I can’t read as fast as I want to! The last 100 pages of this book may take me one or two more days to read and that just is not how used to be me. As a former English teacher/Reading Specialist, it is really devastating to me!