“What’s Up with the Depressing Music?”

So today, in the late morning hours, I was feeling some U2 music! I pulled up my U2 playlist in Apple Music and was trying to decide what song I wanted to hear. I scrolled through the EXTENSIVE playlist and randomly chose songs I wanted to hear. Any U2 song has the power to transport me back to a different place, time, and circumstance. The songs I chose were largely from one of the best of albums:

I listened to this album a lot on my way to work when I worked at DFCU financial while I was in college, just after Sean was born. I am reminded of Matt Davis. We were both working in the drive-through and I was thinking of songs I heard on my way into work and I just exclaimed, “I love u2!” Matt looked kind of uncomfortable and asked me why I said that. I laughed and told him I was talking about the band.

This album was spring of my freshman year at WMU and driving down E. Pond Dr. after just leaving my dorm and living in Kalamazoo.

This one was my first year teaching. U2 was the musical guest all week long on the David Letterman show. My friend and former colleague, Jaci, thought it was so funny that I would go to sleep at my normal time during the week and I set my alarm to watch David Letterman. Because I was 26 at the time and Dave’s target audience was 18 to 25, I didn’t really dig that show as much as I used to when I was younger. I didn’t find it as funny as I remember it being. So on Tuesday and for the rest of the week, I set my alarm for just in time to see u2 perform their new music.

This album is really special to me because the few new songs that are on it, speak to me! I listened to one of these songs right after my Dad died and I drove to work crying and would wear my sunglasses into the building give me those sun was not even up to hide my red and puffy eyes.

Sean was in his room and asked, “What’s up with the depressing music?“ I laughed and told him it was NOT depressing! I guess I was choosing more of their mellow tunes but I didn’t mind at all!

I’ve said before how I do not share my U2 songs with anyone because I don’t want negative memories to cloud my music. Then I listened to a song that I don’t listen to often because I do not appreciate so much the time, place, and circumstance I am transported back to. But this song is fitting because it’s Easter!