Little Hands

I have to start this blog post by saying that I am NOT a back scratch-er! I would say for at least the last decade, when Sean’s back itches, he has to get someone else to scratch it. Sometimes he would wake up and come to me and tell me that his back itches and ask me to scratch it. Because my hand-eye coordination has been not good for so long, I will tell him, “I scratch, you move.”

He has always told me that I am a terrible back scratch-er! That’s partly why I got him a set of back scratchers for Christmas a few years ago. He will tell me that I have really good nails but my technique is terrible and that is because I really can’t control my hands all the time.

Last evening, Sean was sleeping when my Mom got here and she needed her back scratched. I was the only one awake in the house! She also knows that I am a terrible back scratcher! Her back itched and she had to make do with me! She told me to, “Scratch as hard as you can with those little hands!“

I began to laugh because, yes, I DO have a little hands and I think that because feeling is difficult to have in my hands I don’t scratch backs very forcefully. I scratched her back the best I could but I don’t think it was very good! I’ve thought about my, “little hands” all day long!

I joined Facebook just after I was done working and currently, I am rarely on. (except last month because it was MS Awareness Month and I HAD to spread awareness with my friends!). Well, my brother posted a picture of his hands today. I was immediately reminded of my Dad‘s hands!

My nephew and my cousin shared pictures of their hands on that thread as well. When Sean got home today, I asked him to take a picture of my hands. There’s not really a reference point so you can’t tell how big or little they are but I think they are kind of small because I still fit in plastic rings meant for children.