No Rain

I opened my eyes when it was still dark outside to take my mouthguard off. I wear a mouthguard at night because I am a teeth grinder! Wearing my mouthguard helps me keep from feeling like I’ve been punched in the face! Not that I have ever been punched in the face nor want to be but I imagine that’s what it feels like because it really hurts! I’ve been wearing it for probably 6 or 8 years and I’m too afraid to NOT wear it! I think there may be some weird subconscious reason that I take it out in the middle of the night and awake NOT wearing it in the morning. I usually don’t remember taking it out but last night/ this morning I did because I did NOT hear any rain on my roof or windows!

When I really opened my eyes this morning, I still did NOT hear any rain and got excited! I thought of this song:

As I laid in bed, I wondered why my knee was hurting so excruciatingly! I didn’t find that out until my Mom came over and got me out of bed. I followed her into the kitchen and she grabbed my Kiefer from the fridge. I was extremely groggy but then I saw it. It had snowed last night! Really?! During my birthday month?!

Sean made breakfast again this morning and the eggs were delicious! He went to his friend’s house to watch basketball and I remained holed up in my house. I wasn’t feeling well and it was specifically because of my knee! That was crazy because I did not feel well yesterday, and I think that was because I have MS. But really thinking about it, there is snow outside. That means raised barometric pressure and precipitation in the air = knee NOT feeling well!

I watched a couple of movies on Netflix that my Mom suggested and I really liked them! I started to get tired so I put on the old faithful of the time, Laws of Attraction.

I’m grateful that I have gotten my money’s worth since purchasing it on St. Patrick’s Day. Who doesn’t love a little Ireland?! So, my knee hurts today and there is snow. Additionally, State won! Being a U of M graduate, that’s NOT cool but at least there’s no rain! That Blind Melon song has stayed in my head all day!