Love & Other Drugs Part 2

I first saw this movie a couple times in the beginning of December 2013. It was free OnDemand. It’s OnDemand again but it’s on HBO OnDemand so there is a lot more nudity than when I first saw it! It still makes me cry though!

Despite all of the nudity, I still cry and it is when I begin to hear this song:

Now, I have heard in many circles that Hollywood movies tend to glamorize chronic illness and this one does that for sure but when I hear the beginning bars of that tune, the scene that is showing is something that makes me cry!

So yes, I would say that this is a glamorization of chronic illness because it does not show how horrible and humiliating illness can be but it definitely hints at it and because I am dealing with chronic illness, it resonates with me and makes me cry. I’d still recommend it but know that there is a lot of swearing and nudity.

One thought on “Love & Other Drugs Part 2”

  1. I haven’t seen this movie, but now I might have to. I am a very emotional person so I am sure I will be in tears. I read a post you did a while ago as I just discovered your site. Living with MS isn’t easy and I don’t think I could ever find a way to glamorize it, but I do my best to keep living! I have actually had MS for almost 18 years and it definitely has been a rough ride. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you!

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