“What About the Top of Your Head?

When my Mom allows me to choose the music we will listen to in the morning, lately, I’ve been choosing this song:

This song was released on June 22, 2010 as a single from Train’s album, Save Me San Francisco. That was around the time I started seeing Parker Whitaker in Plymouth. He was my MRT (Muscle Release Technique) therapist who I saw just before I started going to Barwis Methods.

There are so many good songs on this album but, If It’s Love is one of my favorite songs! It’s catchy and has memorable lines for sure! My favorite line is: “On a spinning ball in the middle of a space, I love you from your head to your face“ which demands to be yelled out as loud as I can!

Right after I finished yelling those lines, as my Mom drove the car she asked the question, “What about the top of your head? I told her that, “face” rhymes with, “space” and talked about artistic freedom. Every single time I belted out those lines with the song, my Mom would always ask, “ What about the top of your head?” I would tell her that I had already explained it and, “Way to ruin it Mom!”

As we listen to this song in the mornings now, I always ask that question after my favorite line. Then I kind a laugh a little bit. My Mom did not remember saying that but I let her know that she completely ruined the song for me! (NOT REALLY! I STILL LOVE IT!!!) I also LOVE the memory of hearing her say that as we drove to Parker’s so many years ago!