“Birthday Month”

I told Sean this morning, before he left for school that today kicks off my, “Birthday Month!“. He has been telling me that for a few years now that, “Birthday Month” is NOT a thing!

Oh, it certainly is! I used to just have a, “Birthday Week” but as I have gotten older, it has escalated to a, “Birthday Month!” I do not mind at all getting older so I might as well celebrate it! Sean tells me that I can only have a, “Birthday Month” if I have two things. The first one being a trust fund ( which I do NOT have) and the second being a dog that I carry around all the time. (I do NOT have one of those either).

I call it, “Birthday Month” but I place no importance on receiving gifts or anything. I just simply enjoy celebrating something that I am a big part of. Actually, I am the ONLY part of it! I have known a couple “Birthday Twins” over the years but I just love my birthday!

My birthday is on March 12. I like it best when it falls on a Thursday because I love Thursdays, they’re my favorite day of the week! I constantly remind Sean and my mom about my, “Birthday Month.” It kind of bothers me that recently, there has been snow on the ground on my birthday when before, it was usually spring.

When I was in high school, I always wanted Wendy’s to be my birthday dinner with my family. However, my birthday most often falls during Lent so we needed to eat fish on Fridays which was the day when we would celebrate my birthday with the family.

My Dad told me that we would have a family dinner at Red Lobsster. The Red Lobster by my house did not except large party reservations so, is the youngest with no obligations because I was still in high school, I would have to sit and wait for pretty much an hour until a table with 15 to 18 seats became available. I always hated them! Now, I hold that memory with much fondness.

Now that I will be 37 this year, my birthday is a full blown month and I get to decide where I will have my birthday dinner! I’m not quite sure where I will decide but, I am medically exempt from the Lenten diet so I don’t even know what I will do. I tell Sean that it is all about, “Simple pleasures” when he shakes his head at my assertion of, “Birthday Month.” ☺️☺️☺️

One thought on ““Birthday Month””

  1. Hells yeah! I certainly treat my birth month as a whole month ordeal especially because my birthday lies at the very end. We deserve to be treated well all times, birthday “day” or not

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