
Today, I had a memory of my Mom, my Dad, and me driving and laughing just after my Dad’s first open heart surgery. My Dad sat in the back with a pillow and my Mom drove. As we all were laughing, my Dad clutched the pillow to his chest and begged my mom to stop making him laugh because it hurt! My mom vaguely remembers this instance.

It was this memory that made me think about how much of a large role laughter plays in my life. My Mom and I work so closely together everyday that she is in-tune with me. She understands and can see in my face when I am in pain so she will not offer comic relief but rather stay quiet. Either she sees it, or she hears me say, “My knee hurts!”

There is so much about having MS that is NOT FUNNY but I laugh when I can! It’s not the laughter that causes me pain like it did my Dad but rather, I am in too much pain so I do not and cannot laugh. But, WE laugh when WE can! After all, laughter is such good medicine!