“Okay, Princess!”

My son has made fun of me for a long while that I am late to the meme game. And that could be very true but I saw this one a couple days ago and memories of Barwis came up and made me smile.

I’m not going to lie, I’m a pretty particular person. I can be meticulous and have a lot of pet peeves if you will. I would not say that I am “High maintenance but rather, “High standards.“ Pretty early on, in working with Adam, whom I called “Phil,” he became aware of a lot of my idiosyncrasies and pet peeves.

I was not embarrassed by letting him know that something bothered me. I can’t even remember what I had told him, I kind of wish I did because that would make it a little more funny but, I said something to him to which he responded, “Okay, Princess!” I laughed and set him straight by telling him that I am NOT a princess, I am a Queen! He laughed about that!

I think it was a few years after that conversation that I started working with Michael Rhoades and he said the same thing to me! “Okay, Princess!” I had to set him straight also! I am too old to be a princess, I have paid my dues and I am now a Queen!

It was funny that these two men said this about me and I don’t think they talk to each other about it. At least I am consistent! I miss Barwis so much! I hope that I can get back there soon! I’m not really sure of that because my knee STILL hurts!