Last night I dozed off in my wheelchair before the documentary that I was excited to see came on. I woke up just in time to see it but I was a bit nervous that I would fall asleep while watching it. I should not have had that worry because it was so phenomenal! I was completely captivated the entire time. The first thing I took notice of is the fact that RBG is left-handed! Just like me! Yay!

I completely fell in love with her and Marty’s relationship! For me to see her eyes light up when she saw video footage of Marty so many years ago made me cry! I did not understand the gravity of all of the hard work she did in the 70s to make my life as a woman the way it is now. Things I take for granted were fought for. I laughed and I cried! I can’t remember seeing a documentary before where I was so touched! I have already downloaded Jennifer Hudson‘s song, “I’ll fight.” I’ve always wanted to get into opera and hearing her speak about it makes me REALLY want to.

I’m so glad that I Just finished the book, The Notorious RBG  for background. My cousin, Melissa, recommended the movie that just came out about her, On the Basis of Sex and I am waiting for it to become available to rent on my TV so I don’t need to leave because it is SO COLD! I am DEFINITELY going to have to buy an RBG shirt! Maybe a mug too… I hope it wins the I asked her for the movie and for the song!