My Dad’s Voice

Tuesday, my Mom was humming a song that is on my “Daddy” playlist. I haven’t listened to it in a while so I asked my Mom if she wanted to listen to that playlist and she helped me get ready for the day. She did so that is what we listen meg to.

OF COURSE it made me cry! The playlist started playing for a second time when I was completely ready for the day and was seated in my living room picking a shipping label off of a package I received. I was picking the label off to get rid of my information so as to write my niece’s information on it to send her a care package while she is away at college.

So here I sat having a difficult time picking at that label and I felt a bit melancholy because these songs on the playlist, my Dad‘s playlist, the songs that were on the CD I made for him for his 55th birthday which was titled, “The Daddy Mix.” I gave that CD to him four months before he died. My Mom has told me that he’d listen to it often before he died.

I was engrossed in concentrating on picking that label off and listening to the music. I’m not even sure which song it was but I heard my Dad‘s voice singing along with it! I picked my head up and glanced to where I thought the sound was coming from. Obviously he was not there but I gasped and told my Mom that, “I heard Daddy’s voice!”

I’ve only heard his voice twice before in dreams I have had in the 12 years since his death. It was shocking to hear his voice crystal clearly singing along with the song while I was awake. My brothers and my son have similar voices to him when they say things that he would always say but they aren’t the voice I heard singing as I was concentrating at picking that label off. Hearing my dad’s voice has made me miss him so much more but I am grateful to have heard it!