In My Eyes

Yesterday morning, just before Sean woke up for school, my knee popped out! It hurt really badly and I asked Sean to pop it back in before he got into the shower.   Usually, my Mom is the only one to pop my knee back in to its socket,  but she wasn’t here and it was pretty early in the morning.

I told him how to do it and as he popped it back into place, it made the biggest crack  in doing so!  Needless to say, my knee hurt  and throbbed all day yesterday.   As I fell asleep last night, I hoped that my knee would feel better today.

After I got into my first car accident where my car was totaled, people asked me how I felt the day after. I told them that yesterday, (the day of the accident)  I felt like I hit a pole (because I did) and today, I feel like I’ve hit two poles.

My knee he throbbed and hurt a lot yesterday but today, it throbs and hurts even more!   When my Mom came over this morning, I told her that my knee hurts even more and that I can feel it in my eyes! She said that she can tell! My face looks like it hurts even more!

I  would love to say that my knee has not popped out today at all but that would be a lie.  I still feel the pain in my eyes right now but it has gotten a little bit better after taking the pain meds and after hooking up my tens unit.   Since my knee has popped out again today, I’m nervous that tomorrow will be like the day after the accident that I totaled my car in!

To say that I haven’t sung this song a few times today would be a lie…

If you haven’t seen the  play or the movie –  don’t worry, Mimi DOESN’T die!