My Song

Saturday night and last night after my Mom had left and I was tucked nicely into my bad, she called me.   She doesn’t usually call me after I am in bed unless there is something wrong. I mediately answered! She told me that, “My song” was on.

Granted, it was a little bit early because Thanksgiving is not until Thursday but it IS my ultimate, favorite Christmas song EVER!!! She turned it up and I HAD to sing along at the top of my lungs! Both times, it was at the verse, “Once bitten and twice shy…”

Having heard this song twice and given the fact that I have already started watching Hallmark Christmas movies this year, Christmas is being celebrated a little bit early!


*As I dictated this blog post  into my phone , I pulled up the Wham! video on YouTube, Turned the volume on my phone all the way up and started singing  along with  the song at the top of my lungs!. Sean was in his room and began saying something so I stopped the music and he was singing along! He knew all of the words!

I have succeeded! I told him that his kids will know that this is my ultimate, favorite Christmas song EVER!
