In My Soul

This song popped into my head yesterday and I had not thought of it for a while. Mr. Astalos, a former colleague, had his wife get the album, 18 Singles for me the day it was released because she was getting him one while we were at work.

He likes U2 as much is I do!  We rode together to the Vertigo Tour concert the previous year with two other colleagues and my brother.

It’s not an ALMOST forgotten tune because I can never forget ANY U2 songs! They are in my soul!   I told Sean about sitting in the stands next to my brother at one of his Dearborn Lions football games  what they had just scored a touchdown. I just heard Bono say, “Yeah”  when the music was interrupted by the announcers saying something and I started singing the song. Right after I was done singing a couple of bars, this song came on over the loudspeaker.

My brother was shocked that I knew this song just from that one little beat.  I told him that U2 is in my soul! Sean told me that it will be a sad day when Bono dies and I completely agreed with him!