Sight Words

This morning, my Mom and I laughed so much!   Maybe I was just in a good mood because the Lions beat the Packers yesterday. I’m not sure how we started talking about this but as she was putting the  patches on my knee for my tens unit, we started talking about Sean learning sight words when he was five. I lived in my second apartment back then and he was in Kindergarten.  We did flashcards all the time with him and after all the word families were completed, we started using sight words. One of his sight words was , “BUT.”

He would burst out into gales of laughter at that word! I explained to him that it wasn’t that kind of, “butt” but that didn’t matter. He still laughed tremendously!  I remembered that I was in the front office at CCA and was telling my friend and colleague about how he laughed so much at the sight word, “BUT.”

She laughed at that as well and told me that the word she always had trouble keeping a straight face with was, “DUTY.”   I remember that when she told me, we both laughed and laughed!  All subsequent conversations and/or text messages would make a point of using the word, “DUTY.”   I would laugh at the image of her being a small child laughing at that word just like Sean laughed at the word, “BUT.”

I am kind of freaking out that he will be 17 soon and my heart was warmed at the memory of hearing him laugh when he was a small child! I will never forget that sound as long as I live!   I absolutely loved that and when I finally left at the word, “BUT,”  he looked at me with a straight face and said, “Mom,  I’m over it!”   Man, I love that kid!