“Both a Yous!”

 My  Mom has ALWAYS thought that I have terrible taste in music! She tells me that I listen to, “Wah, wah.  Cry, cry.” music.   Though I won’t argue with her, she seems to forget that there is a reason I have that taste and it all begins with her!

 From  a very early age, probably about five or six, I can vividly remember sitting on the stool in the corner of my parents’ kitchen as she got something out of the oven )whether it be dinner or something she had baked) and she would sing this song.   She taught me the lyrics and we both would sing in our kitchen at the top of our lungs as she cooked/baked;

I then told her last night about the time where I was probably seven or eight.   My Dad wanted to know the lyrics to this song so my brother Jimmy, my brother Dave, and me laid on the floor in the living room on the green carpet and listened to this record over and over and over as he wrote down the lyrics.

My Mom pulled up the Charley Pride song on her phone and we both began singing.  She didn’t know the words to the second verse but it started playing and I sang right along. She was surprised and I started to laugh! I recalled how I heard this song over and over and over again as my Dad wrote down the lyrics.

When the song was over, I looked at her incredulously and said  accusingly, “It was both a yous!”   I told her that it was no wonder that I listened to, “Wah, Wah. Cry, cry” music.  Look at the two songs that I vividly remember from my childhood! It’s THEIR fault!  From an early age, I knew the words to two of the saddest and most pathetic songs in the world!  THANKS GUYS!!!   And by, “thanks,” I mean NO thanks; but I don’t mind. I like what I like!