Peanut M&Ms

I’ve been missing my Dad A LOT lately! It’s coming up on my parents’ anniversary soon and I just miss him with all of the challenges I’ve been facing!  My knee is killing me still and a couple Thursdays ago, my roof leaked. I called Tallon roofing because they put my parents’ roof on when I was 16.

I remember hearing the roofers bang on my parents’ roof at 8 o’clock in the morning in the summer. I jumped out of bed and went to the dining room table because my Dad was sitting there eating breakfast. I was irate! I told him that it was crazy that they were working so early and that I am trying to sleep;

But then I saw one of the shirtless roofers walk by the dining room window. I told my parents that I was going outside to water the flowers. That was the ONLY time  that summer that I watered the flowers because I wanted to watch the young, shirtless roofers work!

A memory I have had for a long time was when me and my Dad drove somewhere. I don’t know where we went and I don’t know how old I was but I know I was young and we stopped to get gas. I sat in the car as he went in to pay.   When he came back to the car to pump the gas, he opened the passenger side door and handed me a bag of peanut M&Ms.  That was the only time he did that.

Sean was driving his car  yesterday to the dentist and we stopped at the gas station to get gas. He kept the car running as hr went to pay for the gas  so I would be warm and he told me he would turn it off before he started to pump. He came back to turn the car off and placed a bag of  peanut M&Ms next to me the armrest.

I was touched! I didn’t open the bag until he came back into the car. I had already eaten Popeye’s and my knee was really hurting. I ate the peanut M&Ms and thought  of my Dad.

When the Tallon roofing guy came for an estimate for my roof that Thursday after my roof leaked, I told him the story about watering the flowers and the hot, shirtless workers.  He laughed and believed it. The day my roof leaked, he patched it and that should hold for a little while. If anybody has 10 Grand in their back pocket, that would be cool!

I love peanut M&Ms because I rarely eat them now and when I do, I think of my Dad and the gas station and now I will think of Sean and that gas station too!