
I’ve read about and discussed, “MS Hugs”  in various MS literature and in my support groups. To say it is a, “Hug”  somewhat of a misnomer because it does not feel like a, Hug” at all!  At least not anymore.

In the beginning years of having MS, I would feel this, “Hug.”  A slight tightening in my rib cage. It wouldn’t last very long but as the years went by and my disease progressed, this tightening would take my breath away! The spasm would get so large that it usually is accompanied by an involuntary groan.   The groan is how you react when someone squeezes you way too hard! Well that’s how it feels.

It is not a, “Hug” now,  rather it is a squeeze that affects my rib cage and spine where I lose my breath and it lasts just a little too long to be comfortable at all! It happens without warning and often. Sometimes, my legs join the party as well.

My legs will spasm straight outward.  I remember about four years ago at Barwis that Adam experienced this. He was standing close to me and I was seated on the table. My leg spasmed straight outward.

I have no control over this and they are not forgiving at all! Kind of how I am understanding my new wheelchair to be but that’s another story.   He yelled out, “You got my leg!”  And I put my hands up and shrugged because I had no control over it.

I get these hugs often in a day (mostly whenever I change positions) and I can see the effect it has on my Mom.  She tells me to be quiet when I groan quite loudly but there is no controlling it! I’ve read that these, “Hugs” are the result of a miscommunication of impulses within my body. It’s really not fun and it really hurts!