Chairs OR “For My Knee!”

Yesterday, while I was at RIM after Dave showed me various things about my chair and agreed to deliver it to my home, he and Diane, “Alley-Ooped”  me back in to the manual chair I came in. Which I have had for a little over a year. As I got back in my chair I recalled the story of my dining room chairs. I told her about it. Here’s how it goes:

So I had just signed for my first apartment for Sean and me and my move-in date was August 1, 2005. I went with my Mom to Art Van to get furniture because I didn’t have any.  I ordered a couch, a love seat,  2 end tables,  a desk, a coffee table, and a dining room set.   I think Sean and I had a bare apartment except for the bed I brought from my parents’ house for a couple of days before they delivered the furniture. As a three-year-old, he loved running around the empty space. They  delivered the couches, 2 end tables, desk, and coffee table and the space got REALLY small with all that furniture!

I ended up sending back the coffee table and one of the end tables  because I didn’t have the room for them.  They delivered the dining room table but they had called me the day before delivery to tell me that the chairs were not ready. I called my Mom and told her that I wouldn’t have chairs for a couple of weeks.

My Mom has a beautiful Amish dining room set with removable leaves to make the table longer. She has 12 chairs to accompany that table. It is absolutely beautiful! Because she had so many extra chairs, she told me that she would let me borrow 4 of her chairs until my chairs came in so Sean and I could sit at the table.

I gladly accepted and was happy… until my chairs came in.  I vividly recall sitting in my newly delivered dining room chair at the table staring off into space and NOT being happy.   I had neatly lined the four chairs my mom lend me against the wall. My maintenance guy ended up coming over to fix something (What?, I don’t remember!) It was in the bathroom and I remember I stayed sitting at the table while he worked.

When he was finished, he asked me what was wrong and I told him that my chairs have been delivered and I don’t like them. He sat down at my dining room table in my newly delivered chair and asked me what was wrong with them. He said they felt fine. I pointed to my Mom’s chairs and told him to sit in one of those. He got up and walked over to the chairs and sat down on the one closest to where I was sitting. When he sat down, he had a surprised look on his face and just said, “Oh!”

I responded with, “I KNOW!  Her chairs are Amish and they hug your back when you sit in them. My chairs are NOT Amish and they do NOT hug your back. I have been getting my back, “hugged” for years and then for the past two weeks and now I have these chairs.   I don’t like them!”

I remember he laughed at me because we had become friends as I had to explain to my three-year-old why this man kept coming into our apartment, fixing things.  I told Sean that he was our own, “Higgly Town Hero.”   It was the show that Sean watched on the Disney Channel at my parents’ house because I didn’t have cable yet.

I told Ed that I would sit in this chair for a while until it got comfortable. I was still sitting in the chair when he left.

I told Diane this story because the wheelchair I came in that they had just put me back into was my chair and my new motorized chair was my Mom’s Amish chair.  Dave delivered my chair this morning.

I had to go to the doctor’s office with Sean for his appointment and I had to be in my manual chair so he could put me and it into his car. After we came home, my Mom just got me situated in my new chair.   It is so much more comfortable than my other chair. I have not wanted to get a motorized chair but  after discussion with Christy, I know that it’s better for my knee if I do. Then when I change directions in my house, my knee will not get tweaked. Because yeah, my knee STILL hurts!

The first Narnia movie came out just before Sean and I got our first apartment and I constantly have been thinking about Prince Peter before they go into battle.  This chair is, “For my knee!”

To say that I have not cried while sitting in this chair would be a lie and I’m trying to get comfortable navigating it around my house but like the Amish chair that I remember, it is SO comfortable!

So, this happened!