Gibberish OR #ChinChillin

Well, by now, its obvious that I’m cheesy and I watch way too much TV.  I have no idea why I dig this Progressive commercial so much that I laugh out loud EVERY TIME I see it:

I don’t even have Progressive insurance and I don’t plan on changing my insurance carrier anyway.  I am not cool enough for a Vlog (just like my son says that I am not cool enough for Instagram) so I just have a blog (“like 10 years too late 😜”). I like cashews and laugh out loud at the, “Holla at ’em Brun” each time whether I am by myself or not.

But, the best part is the part with the chinchilla!  It was this part that brought this commercial to my attention in the first place.  The chinchilla’s name is Rocco.  I call Sean, “Rocco” ALL THE TIME!  I call Sean by SO many different names!  Most of the time, he’s “B” or “Beeb.”  But  there is “Butta,” “Roc,” and the list goes on forever.

When Sean was an infant, I would call him, “Seanie.”  It just came naturally to me but I probably got it from The Quiet Man starting John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara.

Whenever my Dad would hear me call him this,  he would tell me not to call him that and that it was a, “Sissy name.”   I told him that I am Sean’s mother and I can call him whatever I want. It wasn’t until my Dad had a short stay in the hospital for a few days and while he was there, he called and asked how, “his Seanie” was.  I remember I joked with him and said, “Oh, YOU can call him Seanie?!”

It was probably from that moment on when I started calling him all of these names that there was not any rhyme or reason to call him this. His name is Sean Ramon Tracz. (the Ramon is after my Dad) There isn’t even a letter, “B” in his name!   Recently, we talked about all of the names that I call him and he told me that, “There really is no reason for these names, it’s really just gibberish that you came up with.”  He’s 100% correct.  I just call him these names. Just because.

I’ve done it all his life and he knows that I am talking to him and he just answers to them.   Growing up, my friend, Natalie had a chinchilla so the fact that this box talked about a chinchilla AND the chinchilla’s name is Rocco coupled with the, “Holla at ’em Brun!”  Just makes me laugh! What can I say?! Simple pleasures. I’ll take it! #ChinChillin