10.5.17 Tape OR Wildling OR The 3rd *BINK*

Larry and Brad helped me get onto the table so as Brad was grabbing my ankles, I showed him where my knee was especially hurting that day. Rather then a dull aching, it felt like a sharp pain. I pressed where it hurt  and he told me that we would probably put some tape on my knee today.   He put my right leg in traction and that made it feel a little better.

As I laid back on the table, I asked Brad who he was going to be for Halloween of the Game of Thrones cast. He said that he doesn’t know the guy’s name  but he  has a beard. I asked him if it was the guy with the red hair?   I  like that guy and I told him that I didn’t know his name either but he has red hair and he is still alive. I have since found out that his name in the series is Tormund Giantsbane.

Brad said he would have to get a red wig and a big fur coat and I smiled and told him that he was a wildling! He bent my right knee  and rubbed it out. We started leg lifts with my left leg first and I told him that it was showing my right leg what to do.   After I finished the leg lifts on both legs, we got ready to stand. Larry told me to, “get in the zone” and that I was going to *BINK.*

For my first two downs, I stood up strong and *BINK*ed easily.  For my second two downs I could not *BINK* at all.   I sat down on the table after my four downs and looked at Brad and told him that maybe I just have two *BINK*s in me.   He gave me one more down and I was surprised that I was able to stand up strong and hold it for a moment. As I stood up to a *BINK* my eyes got wide and I looked at Brad and told him that this was, “The third *BINK.*” As Larry and Brad  helped me to lay back down on the table, I told them that I didn’t even biff the End zone celebration this time because I held it for longer than a split second.   Larry hooked me up with ice and stim and my knee felt better for this brief, shining moment.