9.28.17 WD-40

Brad and Larry helped me get onto the table when I got to ATI. As we were waiting for Larry to come over, Brad asked me how I was. I told him that my knee hurt and it felt like it was creaking.   Larry came over just as I told Brad this and I made a creaking noise and Larry told me that I just needed to get lubed up. I agreed!

Brad told us that when he was in PT school, a woman said that she had a client who was putting WD-40 on their shoulder.   That sounded crazy! I asked him if it was some kind of “mind over matter” thing and he said it was completely a placebo effect.  I told him that that guy must have been in a lot of pain!

I have been in pain for so long (over a year) but I didn’t feel desperate enough to put WD-40 on my knee, I don’t even have any in my house, I don’t think.  I just come to physical therapy twice a week and ice my knee A LOT, still.   I asked Brad why it was hurting like it was as he bent my knee and rubbed lotion on the inside of my knee as he worked it out. He told me that that can happen after surgery and it can just swell.

I asked him how long that will happen. He told me for about six months. I thought back to when Sean was a premie. The doctors told me to add two months to any milestone because he will be about two months late in doing everything. There is no telling how  much additional time it will take because I have MS but I know that there will be additional time.    I asked him if my knee felt swollen and he said it must have swelled inside. He had me do leg lifts on both sides and heal slides on both legs before Larry came back so we could stand. Larry stood behind me as Brad set my feet so I could stand.

I had four downs this time, I stood up to a *BINK* for only a brief, shining moment a couple of those times. I could just feel my knee creaking. I couldn’t hear it even though it felt like I could.   Larry hooked me up for ice and stim. and I thought about the fact that I probably didn’t even stand for a minute and a half this time. I can’t remember when my knee didn’t hurt.   This thought made me sad but I knew that WD-40 on my knee  was not going to help it!