
I saw an advertisement OnDemand for this movie to rent and to buy  yesterday and I remembered  that I wanted to see it when it was in the movie theater  and I couldn’t find anything else on TV so I ordered it.  I really dug it and have seen it six times  so far and I still have 23 hours left in my two-day rental of it.


It feels like when I rented Burnt and watched it over and over. Now, I really don’t have a thing for Chris Evans like I do for Bradley Cooper but I think I could but I really liked this movie!

This was the first scene that I decided that I really liked the movie!:

This scene made me laugh! It’s another one of my favorite scenes in the movie:

I am not a cat person by any means, (my cousinT Shannon can attest to that) but I absolutely LOVE this scene because it shows the compassion of the teacher and how important the cat is to Mary.

This was an absolutely beautiful scene! This  scene was one that made me cry. But I do that often now anyway.

Now, I am not a movie critic by any means and Sean would say my taste in movies is terrible but I would suggest this movie to anyone! I really liked the content but in the back of my mind, I also thought about how difficult it is going to be in the Fall when I no longer have any students. In the meantime, I will be entertained by seeing this movie a couple more times in the next  21 hours or so…