7.24.17 “Rebuilding” OR Post-Surgical Cortisone

had my scheduled post op appointment with Dr. Frush  yesterday.   When he came in, we talked about me seeing him at the golf dinner for Barwis Methods and Mike Barwis and the work he does.  It was really nice seeing Dr. Frush there! He rolled over on that little round chair and examined my knee.

He told me that my ports were starting to look like they were healing and I told him that  it still hurts but I noticed that too after I told him about Sean telling me that it looked like a screwdriver was shoved into my knee twice because it looks so gross. He looks so gross.   He laughed and straightened my leg and then bent  it to see my range of motion. I told him Brad got it to 123°. I’m so proud of that!

He looked at my knee and asked me if it hurt everywhere he pressed. It hurt almost everywhere he pressed!   The only place it did not hurt was when he pressed on my kneecap. The work Brad did was good! My kneecap was not hypomobile!

After he pushed on five or six places in my knee he looked at me  and told me that the ports were beginning to heal  but the insides of my knee were still rebuilding. When he said this, I automatically thought of the Barenaked Ladies song, “Call and Answer.”  

Probably because my roommate, Angela, at WMU really liked them and I would hear that CD  skipping often in the middle of the night. This was in 2000 so was pre-drug bust and all that stuff. So this really shows my age but it was good music when I was a freshman in college!  Then he told me he wanted to give me a Cortisone shot. I talked about how it didn’t work pre-surgery but  he said that he wanted to give it a try because my knee was still  hurting so much.

He left to and a nurse came in and got everything ready to get the shot. He returned and I told him it was going to be the magic , heal-all Cortisone shot like in Varsity Blues because it was post surgery. He laughed, rubbed alcohol on my knee, sprayed it with the  numbing spray,  then shot me, and put a cute little Band-Aid on me.


Now, first and foremost, I want to remind you that I have  warned you many times before that I have ugly  knees  and this picture doesn’t make them look any better because I zoomed way in.  Knock knees are not cute!  If you look closely, you can see my ACL reconstruction’s car  in the middle of my knee and  sort of one of the ports from my meniscus repair that’s on the mend in the right of the picture.   How ’bout I did not realize I had a birthmark on my knee until this injury. I think that Band-Aid is cute and I think it would be cuter if it were purple; but I think that’s just me.  He told me he wanted to see me in two months and reminded me that it is going to take 4 to 5 months for my meniscus to heal properly. I am only 2 1/2 months post op.

Well, as of right now, it looks like the post-surgical Cortizone shot IS the magic heal-all!   At least for right now.   I woke up  this morning and for the first time my knee was NOT aching!   Yesterday, when I got to ATI, I had to cancel my appointment because Brad told me it was too soon after my cortisone shot to get physical therapy. He said we had to wait for the Cortisone to set in for 48 hours.  I go back to ATI on Thursday. I hope this Cortisone sticks because Brad told me I can only get four a year.   We will see, won’t we?