7.11.17 Residual

I rescheduled my physical therapy appointment for Tuesday because the Barwis dinner was on Monday. I had such a great time that I kept telling my mom she would have to scrape me off of the ceiling because it felt so good that I was flying high!  My body felt the residual effects the next day.

Not only did my knee hurt from sitting so long in my wheelchair and not icing my knee in the recliner; my whole body  seemed to be  opposed to all the fun I had the day before! Lately, I have figured out that on days that I have such a great time  and I am so excited, I have to pay for it the next day, sometimes the residual effects last for two days.

I got on the table at ATI and told Brad all about the wonderful time I had at the golf outing in spite of the rain. I told him about seeing Dr. Frush  there and about the residual effects I was experiencing in my body today. He could feel it and my calf was especially tight so he worked on that for the majority of the time. It had been a while since my leg twitched in  resistance to him rubbing it out but that is exactly what it did!

He continued working and gradually my leg relaxed a little bit.  So much so, that he bent my knee and we did some lifts  where are use my knee to kick my foot into the air. Now, he  has to help me to do this  by guiding my foot up but it felt good to be able to move my knee without pain because of all the rubbing he did.

I  told him that  I was surprised and that it was pretty cool that I was moving my knee when it was bent and he agreed. He said I did pretty good  and did a lot of that on my own. Larry set me up for ice and stim and I recounted the events from the Barwis dinner and  showed him the picture I got with Larry Foote.   I had such a nice time and the residual resistance that I was feeling  in my body today was COMPLETELY worth it!