6.12.17 The Front Seat OR 107 Degrees

My Mom took me to physical therapy on Monday. Sean didn’t even have to come with us because I could sit in the front seat and didn’t need him to help me get into the backseat. He was at football practice anyway. I was EXCITED to be sitting in the front seat and  in control of the radio, I turned the radio on as my Mom got the wheelchair into the trunk.   I heard “Shut up and Dance”  by Walk the Moon.

This song reminds me of Michael (Rhoades) so it is technically a Barwis song. He told me he liked it a couple of  months after I had already posted it on the  monthly “Faves” portion of my blog.   He said it was “pop-y”  but he liked it anyway. I liked it but didn’t feel the need to explain myself.   I was excited to hear  some of my favorite songs because I was in control of the radio;  however, I only remember pulling out of my driveway because I fell sound asleep! Like, totally zonked!   I woke up when we are almost on Sheldon Road near ATI to the sound of Peter, Paul, and Mary. “Leaving on a Jet Plane.” 

This song has always been my Mom and Dad’s song,  are used to sing it to Sean  when he was small when we would  go to sleep and I was too tired to read a story to him. I woke up hearing this song and smiled to myself because I really dig it!  We pulled up to ATI and my mom helped me out of the car. It feels strange not having my brace and hurts a little.

Brad worked my knee and I told him about Dr. Frush taking my brace off, telling me that my leg muscles were atrophied, that I would be in pain for another two months, and  possibly  transitioning back to Barwis at my next appointment.  Dr. Frush worked on my range of motion and this was when he noticed how atrophied my leg muscles were. He told me that the goal would be to get me to 120°. So Brad worked on this and get me to 107°.  It felt good and he finish me off with stim and ice.

I am nervous to NOT have my brace any longer. I don’t like that I could be in pain for another two months  or that this whole process will be five months. It is so much easier getting into the front seat of the car now but it is not without some pain. Eventually, that won’t be the case but not anytime soon.