5.22.17 Moving Well OR Freak-Out Mode OR Swelling

I woke up Monday morning not feeling well, it wasn’t pain from knee surgery “not well” but MS “not well.”  This fact just adds a fun little wrinkle to recovering from surgery. This really stinks!    Now that I have nothing but time on my hands, it’s harder to block this pain out.

This pain is MS pain and it is a constant  ache inside of my body, my whole body.   Because of its constancy, if I am not doing anything else, (like now) it is hard to ignore.   I watch TV to distract myself until it is time for physical therapy. The ice and stim is the best feeling in the world! In addition to the  controlled movement of my leg.

I got onto the table and Brad immediately started working on my calf. Because I was laying flat on my back, I couldn’t see him and asked if he was using a tool. He just raised his hand so I could see it and told me it was just his hands. I told him that he was GOOD!

He bent my knee and began moving my kneecap around. It didn’t hurt as badly as it did before and I asked him how I felt. He told me that I was moving well. He pointed out that he moved  my foot with ease to bend my leg.  I told him that I noticed my leg was not in “Freak-out mode” when he was working on my calf.

.He said that it was not hard to “break” me. I never thought about it being a goal to be broken easily but that is how it is now.  Tone in my legs is extreme and I’m grateful that Brad (and Luna) don’t give up on me.   Regardless of how difficult it may be on any given day. This day, it was easy.

He moved my foot closer to my butt so my knee was more bent.  I asked him why the bend felt tight, he asked if it hurt( but it, didn’t so much.   It didn’t feel good and it didn’t feel as if my knee was free  to band.  I pointed out that it felt really tight on either side of my knee cap. He continued to rub my knee out and told me that it was swelling.

I thought I was doing so well with recovery! I told him that I believe Dr. Frush now, this REALLY is a four month recovery and not something that will happen very quickly! He laughed.   He worked my knee to loosen up the tightness I felt which is from internal swelling in my knee. I am progressing, but it’s  for sure SLOW and steady.  Mira hooked me up for stim and ice and I was grateful.