My Barwis Fix

 I started working out at Barwis Methods July 12, 2013. I would go there three times a week. I was injured on September 21,  2016.  At my subsequent appointment with Dr. Frush, he explicitly told me NOT to go back to Barwis Methods (he knows Mike Barwis and all the wonderful work he does with the First Step Foundation,  he knows that I am a First Stepper) until my knee stopped hurting.  I never thought that I would NOT be going to Barwis Methods for eight months and counting.  I previously wrote about it being heartbreaking and it absolutely is!

I started going to ATI for my physical therapy needs because it was inside of Barwis Methods. I met many of the physical therapists while I was working out at Barwis. ATI moved and now they are the office space next to Barwis Methods. They have a door in the back that leads  directly  into Barwis’ gym.

 Mike Barwis had referred me to Dr. Frush a few years ago when I tore my hamstring; he was the doctor I immediately wanted to see when my knee was hurt. When I first started physical therapy for my knee, I would have my Mom park in the back of Barwis Methods so I could get a glimpse of the guys or Megan before going into ATI; now, it’s too involved to get me out of the car to take the time to go in through the back, and that would REALLY hurt!  I just look at the Barwis window signs with longing as the car passes.

Yesterday, as I laid on the table talking with Luba, Dan Mozes walked in, stood over me, waited until I smiled once I recognized him, leaned over, and shoved his fingers into both of my ears!  I grabbed his hands and laughed. I was SO happy to see him in his Barwis Methods hoodie!  He walked over to greet my Mom and get some candy from the dish by the door.  Seeing him, satisfied my Barwis craving for a bit!  It served as my Barwis fix for a while.

I  texted Mike Barwis awhile back and told him that I cried because I miss going there so much.  Luba asked if he answered (he’s kind of a BIG deal) and she was surprised when I said, “Yes.”. I started working out at Barwis BEFORE he got as big as he is today.  I remember years  ago when I first started working out at Barwis and heard Jesse refer to Barwis Methods as just Barwis and I thought it soumded weird. Now, it couldn’t be more comfortable!