8.25.16 Supermodel OR “Rolled”

I got to Barwis a little bit early and my Mom pushed me to in between the tables so I was out-of-the-way.  I was next to Landis stretching someone out after their workout to my right.  A few tables over, to my left, Megan was stretching someone out on a high table and I wondered how they both got up onto the table.   I watched both of them stretching out their clients with ease and I was envious.  They both were stretching their clients pretty far and it wasn’t hurting either client.  It looked like it felt good.  I told Landis that, “I wished my body moved normally.”  I was a bit sad watching normal bodies move.

Just then, Nick came over, moved the fan off of the table we would work on and put it on the table right next to us and wiped the table down.  I got on the table and laid on my stomach.  He asked if the fan would be okay there and I tossed my head so my hair blew back around my face and i told him, “Yeah, I’m pretending I’m a supermodel at a photo shoot with the wind machine blowing my hair everywhere!”  I was okay with the wind.  It wasn’t cold so it didn’t bother me.  He periodically asked if it was okay and I told him that I was still at the photo shoot,

Nick got the roller stick and rolled the backs of my calves, thighs, and butt.  Then he pushed my foot back to my butt until I could feel the stretch in my thighs and held it there for a bit.  Then I rolled over onto my back and told him that the photo shoot was over and he rolled my thighs.  He bent my knees and rolled the insides of my thighs and I rolled on to either side and he rolled the outsides of my thighs.  I felt relaxed and completely rolled.  I vaguely wondered if I’d have bruises but didn’t care!