4.21.16 Nico OR Normal

I got to Barwis and Nick stretched me out in my chair before I got on the black table which is the norm.  He stretched me out on the black table and we did some PNFs.  As he continued to stretch me and challenge my leg muscles to move, it felt better and better.  Since coming back to Barwis, even though I only come twice a week now, my legs have been loosening up faster.  It’s nice that the tight feeling is made to feel better pretty quickly.

It was Thursday, so Nico (the new intern from Germany) came over to make plans with Nick for the weekend.  Nick told me he was from Germany but I hadn’t talked to him other than saying, “Bye” as he was leaving.  As Nick was stretching me out, Nico started talking with him.  Whoa, whoa, whoa!?!  I have never heard English with a German accent.  It sounds pretty cool!  Nico left to get his stuff and I told Nick that I had never heard Nico talk!

I really dig accents!  I especially dig hearing them in this particular situation at Barwis.  I’ve heard Alex and Gorgi who were from Georgia and Kenny from Scotland but I also get tell them how it feels to have MS and they can watch me and my trainer work to get me walking.  Now I can add Nico from Germany to my international contacts.  Well, I haven’t really heard Nico at all a whole lot YET but he’s going to be here for three months.

Nick helped me into my car and my legs felt SO GOOD!  My Mom backed the car up and I told her that my legs felt really good as we pulled away toward the dumpster.  I STILL park in the back, something that feels so normal to me now but I remembered back when Phil told me to start parking back here and I thought it was SO WEIRD do so.  Now, I can’t imagine NOT doing so.  As we got onto the freeway, I told my Mom that my legs felt normal.  They have only felt “normal” three other instances in the past 15 years.  The first time with Parker, then with Jesse, then with Phil, and now with Nick.  I just wished the feeling lasted longer than it does.  Patience… then it will!