3.17.16 A Healthy State-of-Mind

My legs were pretty tight on Thursday.  Luba rubbed and worked slowly to get them loosened up.  She told me more about her vacay because our conversation was cut short because we talked with Megan about my transition back to Barwis. After my legs were loose enough, I did some PNFs.  I think I will like working on those with resistance once I’m back at Barwis.  Luba hooked me up to the stim machine and Brad came over.

When I spoke with him before, conversation switched (I don’t know how) to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  He was aghast that I don’t eat them.  Just peanut butter. I’ll have jelly on toast but no PB&J for me.  He told me that peanut butter & mayonnaise sandwiches are good too.  Now that sounds DISGUSTING!  I made a face, he laughed.  Then Luba came back over.

My stim was almost over and Luba began talking to me about deep breathing exercises.  She told me that she could feel the tension in my legs and I need to relax.  She talked me through the exercises.  I didn’t hold the deep breath in for 3 counts before I exhaled.  Look at me STINKING at relaxing!  We tried a few more times and Luba told me to do them often because that would put me in “a healthy state-of-mind.”  My stim was over and Luba took the patches off and put them away.  Just as she walked over to get my chair and wake my Mom up, I asked Brad if he liked creamy or crunchy peanut butter.  He said, “crunchy.”  Oh GROSS!