3.3.16 Kristen

It seemed like forever since I had been to ATI.  Just Kristen and Brad were there because I forgot that Luba was on vacay.  Once on the table, Kristen grabbed the goop and began rubbing my leg out.  As she rubbed my leg, I began to ramble and I pretty much didn’t stop.  I asked her how my leg felt and she told me that she could feel my leg becoming less “grainy” and that my bruise has really begun to fade.

My leg doesn’t hurt constantly like it used to.  It only hurts a little bit when I transfer out of my chair which unfortunately isn’t very often.  We were having constant conversation that I can’t even recall what we talked about but the conversation was continuous.  My time was up and Kristen went over to wake my Mom up (seems the ATI tradition that she takes a seat and falls asleep).  Luba marvels at it because you can hear the blaring music from Barwis but she puts her head down and has to problem falling right to sleep.

As Kristen did that, Brad came over and told me overheard our conversation.  He’s in OT (Occupational Therapy) school and he asked if I wouldn’t mind being interviewed as a subject for a paper he’s doing.  Sure! I don’t have a problem with that!  It’s only taken 15 years, but I’m comfortable talking about my disability.  I told in that I’m here Tuesdays and Thursdays so we would talk the next time I came in.