2.18.19 Activation

As I laid on the table, Luba commented that my leg looked smaller.  That was good t hear.  So this is progress.  My leg is slowly on the mend and that makes me feel better.  My legs don’t curl up as badly as they once did and I understand why now.  Luba slowly stretched my leg outward and just as slowly brought it back in.  After some time, she pulled my leg out ward and held it there.  She asked me to pull my leg inward and she had to help me get my leg next to my left one.

That really stunk for me.  I immediately wondered if I had lost what I had gained at Barwis.  That was a pitiful PNF!  She pulled my leg out again and asked me to pull it back in.  I gritted my teeth and pulled with all of my might.  Once my leg was in, Luba told me that that one was A LOT better.  I let he know that first is ALWAYS the worst and the second is the BEST!  We did this a few more times and then she had me push my leg outward a few times.

I tired out and she put the patches on my leg for stim.  She started the machine and told me that it was good to get activation.  That activation was different from Barwis activation because she didn’t offer tons of resistance as Mike Rhoades, Nick Montoni, Mike Morfitt, Megan, or Sue did but I held on to the fact that I still was able to activate my legs and that to me felt good.  I was tired and laid my head back grateful that my progress to date wasn’t lost but just on hold.  My brain can still communicate with my leg muscles.  I had just re-learned this in the past two years but I haven’t forgotten in spite of my torn groin and hamstring because Luba and I were able to get some activation today.