1.13.16 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #38

I was excited because I was working with Nick Montoni on Wednesday.  I haven’t worked with him since the summer so I wanted to see if he saw any difference in my ability.  We went to the black table in the middle of the 3 black tables.  Nick had me sit at the edge of the table while he worked on my ankles.  He stretched me before we started PNFs.  Chet sat behind me to keep the wedges I was leaning back against in place and Claire came over to hold the opposite leg in place as Nick stretched the other one.


I asked Nick if he saw Heather at school (she’s back at CMU to get her master’s).  He told me that he did often and that she said “Hi.”  I smiled at that.  Then we started PNFs.  PNFs are routine to me now and when Nick lifted my leg, I was able to pull it all the way down as I’ve been doing for the past few months.  But Nick hasn’t been here the past few months and he raised his eyebrows in surprise and that also made me smile.  He bent my knee and I was able to take a picture of “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #38:


My friend Hope got me these socks for Christmas and it was nice to be able to wear them for a “Wacky Sock Wednesday.”  As my time ended, my legs felt warm and loose.  Seeing Nick’s looks of surprise at my showing made me feel good and reinforced that I am progressing.  It’s just SO slowly that I can’t easily see it.