9.23.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #32 OR Paparazzi OR Shaking

Wednesday, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society arranged to have a photo shoot at Barwis with me.  The NMSS is changing their brand and they wanted to photograph me working out at Barwis.  So, I agreed.  Sean and my Mom were with me.  They are my two main supports.  They had a person to do my make-up (because I normally don’t wear any).  She opted to keep it natural because I WAS going to workout but it did not take away from the glam factor!  It was REALLY cool!  Then the pictures started: image image   

These above pictures were taken outside Barwis before I started working.  Patti with the Michigan chapter of the MS Society took these with her phone.  Then my time started with Mike and then I felt like what it must have been like to be famous.  The paparazzi surrounded us and there were a MILLION flashes!  Mike suggested that this was probably how it felt to be a Kardashian.  We laughed and discussed which one we would be.


As he stretched me out and we did PNFs, after the original flood of lashes subsided,  Megan came over to compare socks and my Mom took this pic because it was “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #32:


After we took this pic, we headed over to the ropes.  That’s right, the ropes. They wanted a good photo op and Mike told them that that was where we were going.  Well, ropes are the MOST DIFFICULT thing I’ve done!!!  Mike talked me though the muscles in my core I needed to activate and Megan kept me steady on the block.  My arms were extremely tired!  My Mom took this picture of me and Sean:


My Mom helped me onto the car and as we drove home, my legs began shaking and did not stop until I was laying in bed.  This shaking let me know that my legs worked A LOT and my tired arms and sore sides (I found that out Thursday morning pushing myself up the ramp going into the door at work).  Let me know my arms and core worked a lot as well.  I slept SO good that night because my whole body worked SO hard!