9.14.15 Stim.

I had ATI on Monday.  It felt like a long day at work and I  was tired going in My Mom helped me onto the movable table so I was laying on my back.  As I laid back, both of my legs bent at the knees and sort of “boing”ed up.  This fact kind of irritated me and I tried to relax them so they would lay flat like last Friday.  They didn’t.

I gave up trying to “will” them flat and just then, Luba came over and smiled.  She touched my leg and her eyes widened.  She could feel it too.  She’s at on the table beside my knees and tried stretching my left leg out so in would flatten.  It wasn’t.  She pulled my left foot and placed it on her shoulder.  It kept resisting her and “boing”ing up.  After some time, she looked at me sympathetically and told me that I was tired.  She said I was too tired to resist the extreme tone that existed in my legs.  She asked if I just wanted stim.

I was relieved to hear her ask that and nodded and added that I would like ice too.  She brought over a wedge to elevate my legs on.  Kristin put the patches on my leg, turned the stim on, and brought over an ice pack.  The stim feels really good on my hamstring.  It doesn’t hurt anymore.  Wednesday will be my final time at ATI.  I closed my eyes and basked in the good feeling on my leg.