8.31.15 Speed Stretching

I was extremely late to my appointment at Barwis on Monday.  My Mom was stuck in court in Dearborn (she didn’t do anything wrong – she was prosecuting someone else for their wrongdoing to her).  She is my driver so I just waited.  I knew that any stretch I would get from Mike would be worth it.  He helped me onto the black table and I told him that the “after-effects” had worn off.

He agreed but was able to stretch my legs well enough for me to feel it.  My legs were tighter than they have been lately but not as tight as they have been in the more distant past.  He had me lay on my stomach and I was able to feel a good stretch in my quads.  It was a stretch that I haven’t felt for a long time.  I asked Mike how I felt and he said, “NOT horrible.”  I laughed and told him that he’s good for some great sound bites and told him that I was going to name my blog post “NOT Horrible.”  He laughed and laid next to me on the black table on his stomach.  I asked him about it feeling so strange most of the time when I lay on my stomach.  He sat in my chair as I rolled onto my back.  He told me that my hipflexers were REALLY tight and told me not to sit down so much.  We both laughed!

I told him about Mike Rhoades telling me to lay on my stomach for at least 10 minutes before I went to sleep.  I haven’t laid on my stomach to sleep since before I was pregnant so it was weird but it progressively got better.  I don’t do that anymore but maybe I should start again.  I sat up on the black table and Mike told me that, “We’ll get to that,” talking about me not sitting so much.  It REALLY does feel good to hear ANYONE at Barwis voicing their confidence in me walking again because they ALL have that confidence.  He put me in my chair and walked with me to the roll-down door way.  I told him that I felt good and he nodded that it was good speed stretching.