8.5.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #25

I was BEYOND “Jessie Spano” excited to be back at Barwis.  It had been TWO WEEKS to the day (AND it was “Wacky Sock Wednesday”) since I had been there to work with Nick.  I believe that has been the longest stretch I have been away since I have started coming here two years ago.  I used to think a week was WAY LONG but two weeks was just TORTUROUS!  I waited by the chairs and Nick came over to ask if I was here to see him.  I nodded and he pushed me over to the blue table.  On the way, Mike Morfitt came by to give me “five” and I told Nick how Mike made fun of my white legs.

We got to the blue table and I told Nick all about my hamstring and I told him how it STILL hurt.  Nick stretched my legs out gingerly.  He told me that it (my hamstring) was too bad because I had just started squatting again.  He helped me on to the table and my stretched my legs out by crossing my them across my body.  I had my Mom take this pic of my socks for “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #25:


Then he had me lay on my stomach and I did some PNFs. My legs were tired!  I didn’t work my hamstrings but REALLY worked my quads.

My Mom put me in my car because I was SO tired!!!  I fell asleep on the way home.  It was like my first summer working at Barwis, when I used to nap after I worked out.  I’d wake up from my nap with TONS of turf pellets in my bed.  I noticed turf pellets on the table when I was laying on my stomach.  I was disappointed with my setback but I KNOW I will comeback from this setback.  Just have to wait for it.