5.29.15 Sulid

Nick helped me out of my car when I got to Barwis on Friday.  Everyone was sleeveless but I did not partake in it.  I explained my broken chair topper fiasco reason for why I wasn’t there on Wednesday and he kneaded my calves REALLY hard as I sat in my chair.  I told Nick about my TERRIBLE Memorial Day weekend which probably was contributing to my tight calves.  He helped me onto the blue table and very methodically stretched my legs out slowly which made them VERY slowly loosen up.

As I laid on the table, I closed my eyes.  I began to feel tired.  Dan came over and hovered over me as my eyes were closed.  I got that feeling that someone was close to me so I opened my eyes to see Dan leaning over me.  I got a bit startled and smiled and he asked where I was.  I told him the abridged version and explained how I told Nick all about it.  As my time neared its end, I asked Nick how my legs felt even though I could feel that they were A LOT looser than when I came.  He slowly nodded and said, “Sulid.”  He said it like that.  He ALWAYS says it like that.  I take it to mean “good.”  I asked him why he says it like that but he didn’t give me an answer.

I sat up on the table and balanced for a little while and Nick asked if my legs felt like Jell-O.  They did but Jell-O felt A LOT better than they WERE feeling!  He helped me into the car and we wished each other a good weekend.  I hoped that this good feeling I had would stay with me but it didn’t.  It rained all weekend.  I handled Saturday alright but just couldn’t take Sunday too.  Sunday morning, a NEW “accident” began.  I’ll NEVER get used to this feeling but just have to endure it.