4.15.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #12 OR Wonky

Wednesday morning I woke up tired.  I did NOT sleep well AGAIN.  After my shower, I sat at my table for a LONG time just staring at my contact case and bottle of solution.  I felt wonky.  I didn’t even want to put my contacts in. It was going to be a LONG day!!!  And it was.  I was looking forward to going to Barwis after work.  I left work when school was over and it was 3:27 when I got onto the freeway. I was excited because I would be early. My time starts at 5:00.  I connected on to I-96 from I-75 easily and was making good time.

Then the accidents/closures/traffic jams started.  I-96 express was closed and I had to divert to I-96 local because of the freeway being closed, traffic backed up a lot. I saw the crumpled up car just before the freeway opened back up again. Just as it opened up again though, there was another accident and it was closed again. I saw another crumpled the car and that really stunk! Traffic started up again but then just as I-96 was turning into M-14, it was shut down again.  Traffic was diverted to I-275 so I called Barwis and told them that I would be late but was still coming. It was 5:17.

I only had a few miles to go before my exit (Sheldon).  Traffic was backed up on I-275 as well I finally pulled up to Barwis and my turn by turn directions ceased. I turned my car off and just before I got out I saw the time. It was 6:07. I had spent two hours and 40 minutes on the freeway to get to Barwis from work which usually is like a 20 or 25 minute commute. My time was over. I had missed it. I took a breath and did what anyone would do in my situation. I cried.

Because traffic was so slow and not stopped at all, I had to keep my hand pressed on the break. My wrist was burning as if a hot knife was cutting it or it was being cauterized with a blowtorch. It hurt so badly!!!  I called Elle and told her that I was there but my time had passed and I just needed to sit and rest for a bit so my wrist would stop burning and then I could drive home. She told me to wait there and she was coming out to see me. She asked if I wanted to see if Mike could see me later that day. It seemed like too much trouble to me so I told her I would see her on Friday. I just had to sit and rest a minute because my wrist was hurting a lot.

After sometime, Connor came out to see me. He told me he could move some stuff around in the schedule and Mike could still see me. He told me is going to look at things and doublecheck and he would be back to let me know. He came back at 6:33 and told me Mike could see me at seven. He helped me out of my car and pushed me to the chairs.  I had a very long day at work, a very long day in the car on the way to Barwis, my wrist was killing me, and I felt wonky. What a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!” I was too tired to even want to move to Australia!!!

Mike put me on the table and kneaded my calves for a long time. I asked how I felt and he told me that I felt really tight! He knuckled my  thighs equally as long and try to get me to lift my knees up. That wasn’t happening! He had me lay back instead and stretched my legs out.

The day had been awful thus far, but the stretch felt good. Before he put me back in my wheelchair, I asked him to take a picture of my socks because regardless of it being a terrible day, it’s still was “Wacky Sock Wednesday.”

WSW 12            He took me outside and put me in my car. I was so tired!  Both physically and mentally. I was looking forward to sleeping well that night.