2.16.15 I Can Take It

On Monday, I think it was Garret’s dad who pushed me in to Barwis but I got out of my car by myself and he offered to open the door so I asked for a push up the ramp.  I was kind of tight so I was looking forward to the stretch.  Mike pushed me over to the blue table and I sat as he worked on my calves and ankles.  He then had me lay back and he did that one stretch where he folds my legs like I am sitting like a man.  It was CRAZY intense!!!  I kept saying, “I can take it!” It was more for myself.  I was trying to convince myself that if I just breathed through it, it would be better for me if I just endured the intensity.  Nick even commented because I kept saying so loudly but it kind of hurt!

Then he had me lay back and he worked on my ankles again.  I laid there thinking of a book I used to teach my 7th graders when I used to teach English.  Don’t You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey.  My Kids REALLY liked this book and I was thinking of and trying to remember the situation surrounding the protagonist Tish when she made the comparisonof having to take really bad-tasting medicine.  Something about being able to handle it if you only had to take it so many more times.  That was how I felt at that moment.  I remembered telling Phil this too that I can take this if there is an end.  But, sadly, with MS there is really NO end.  I was thinking about this as I laid there.  My legs weren’t on fire, that description didn’t fit. But, they DEFINITELY have been worked.  Mike said he liked this stretch because I just laid there and didn’t talk.  Yeah, not VERY common but I was trying to remember the book and deal with how my legs were feeling.

Mike put me in my car and I felt extremely spent as I drove home.  I practically fell into bed; EXHAUSTED!  My butt REALLY hurt!  But I fell asleep and woke up in the same position.  I slept THAT deeply.  I only have slept like that one other time about 7 years ago, right when I got back from Florida and seeing Jack, the electronic acupuncturist.  Even then, it may have been just a nap, not the ENTIRE night.  I woke up Tuesday with my butt still hurting but grateful that I slept SO well.  It’s NOT so much that I CAN take it but I HAVE TO take it.  But I will.