Super Bowl XLIX: The 12th “Men”

Well, as it was last year, I pick the loser.  It’s my stilo. What can I say?  But, in my defense, I REALLY thought the Seahawks would win.   They were 20 seconds away from doing so!

One would think (as many of my colleagues thought) that I would be a Patriots fan being that Brady is a fellow U of M alumni BUT… I saw an interview that Russell Wilson gave on NFL Network just before the NFC Championship game in which they told of his father’s death just after him signing to play professional baseball.  Now, my father has been gone 8 years now and I miss him terribly and I mean no disrespect to anyone but when I heard this fact, my ears perked up and my eyes welled with tears.  I thought that Russell Wilson is in the club too!  It’s the “Dead Dad’s Club.”  It is an extremely exclusive club, and one that you don’t wish for others to join but once they gain membership, they are given a wordless hug of welcome.  There are no words that can comfort once your dad dies.  Upon watching the interview further, I learned that his father died from complications stemming from Diabetes which is what my father died from so not only are we members of the same club, we have seats at the SAME table.  When I heard this, the tears spilled out of my eyes.

This is when I decided that if they won, me and Sean would be 12th “men” for the Super Bowl even though I’m a woman (Mike calls me that ALL THE TIME) and Sean is a “man-in-training” because he is only 13. I hope to raise a good man but we will see.  I ordered shirts from but my order was lost so we didn’t have shirts for the Super Bowl.  I hoped to get Championship t-shirts once they won but … you all know what happened.