1.5.15 Collapse

I was on time to Barwis and my legs were still swollen.  I hope that being back in my routine of being at work will help me but it hasn’t yet.  Mike worked my calves to make them less swollen.  After they started feeling better, he had me lay on my back.

I told him that he put me in a “modified ‘Ooh Doggie!'” stretch” (he had my knee placement a little different).  Then he had me lay on my stomach.  He did all the same stretches he has done before but it hurt a little bit less so he could stretch me further.  I let a few grunts and gasps out when I was laying on my stomach and I only realized that because Deeds commented about it.

Mike took me out to my car and reminded me of the 4 step process I need to complete to get in my car.  I repeated it aloud, “Stand. Grab. Turn. Sit.”  I tried and only was able to stand.  My legs felt so much like Jell-O that I was surprised I could do that!  I tried again, undershot the car seat, and collapsed and almost ended up on the pavement.  Mike caught me though.  He had me sitting in on the driver’s seat in like 12 seconds.  Once sitting my legs automatically bent.  (It’s nice to FINALLY see progress in this regard but I kinda miss Phil’s “bends.”  Mike is A LOT better at helping me into the car than Sean because he’s NOT 13.  I was completely in my car in like 44 seconds.  My legs began feeling better as I drove home.  I hoped the swelling would go down soon.