12.19.14 Ooh Doggie!

I got in to Barwis a little bit early and was in the middle of an intense text conversation when Mike comes over and asks if I’m crying.  I backed up into the bathroom to make sure that I wasn’t.  Deeds walked by to check on me.  I was just blowing my nose!  So, I laid on my back on the blue table when it was my time and Mike had both of my knees stretched out to my right with his left hand and then he made sure that my left shoulder was on the mat with his right hand.  Now this particular stretch was INTENSE!!!  I just kept yelling “Ooh Doggie!”  I was trying to talk myself through it.  I told Mike that sound effects help (me get through it) and he kept asking if I was 5 and telling me to, “Shut up!”

Next, Mike had me lay on my stomach and was stretching my legs behind me so that my heels were close to my butt.  In high school, when I tore my ACL, I was stretched the same way after surgery by my physical therapist.  I remember that it hurt but I’m pretty sure that it didn’t hurt this much!!!  It took Megan commenting on my screaming for me to really realize how loud it was.  I really wish that that stretch would be the last time that my legs would be that tight and the last time that it would hurt that badly… But I KNOW that it’s not.

Mike took me out to my car.  My legs were extremely tired!  I opened the driver’s side door and repeated in my head: Stand. Grab. Turn. Sit.  I tried once.  No dice.  I had to sit back in my chair.  Take two.  Mike gave me some assistance to stand but again, no dice.  I thought that “3’s a charm” and I tried a third time.  I was up on my own, I grabbed the steering wheel, I turned, and when I sat, I undershot it and didn’t land on the driver’s seat.  Mike helped me get in to my car and as he did, my knees bent and Mike was able to get them in my car easily so I guess it IS progressive!