12.5.14 Like A Rockette

Yesterday, I was able to transfer out of my car to my chair, open the door, and wheel about 90% of the way up the ramp and on to the turf on my own.  Mike saw me and came over and pulled me in the rest of the way.   When it was my time he told me that we were going to go over to the table.  I asked which one.  The white and blue one were available.  He told me to choose whichever one.  I chose the blue one and told him of how I was reminded of an Asian tea ceremony when I first saw it.

I laid on my back and he began stretching my legs.  I felt pretty good at work and on my drive to Barwis but as has happened before with Adam, I tighten up as soon as it’s my time at Barwis.  He stretched me A LOT and was able to loosen me up.  He had me move to the end of the table and told me that he was going to stretch my legs up really far as I was seated by the edge.  I asked, “Like a Rockette?!”  He kind of laughed at this and replied with a, “Sort of.” Or something like that.  He had me raise my right leg first (my “poop leg”) on my own.  It didn’t go very far and I told him that the Rockettes won’t recruit me.  He told me, “Not yet anyway.”  He stretched both of my legs out pretty good and was able to stretch my leg over his shoulder by the end as I laid on my back.  I remember Jesse and Phil doing this and it hurting SO much more.

I told him about “Walking Wednesdays” and my camo socks.  He asked how Jesse got me walking and I told him about my crutches and two people on either side of me as spotters.  He said that I’m going to do it again but with Mike and Mike on either side of me.  I asked kind of excitedly, “You mean a Jen sandwich with Mike bread?!” He also kind of laughed at this and said something like, “Whatever you want.”  Megan and Connor came over and Megan sat next to me on the blue table and Connor said he would take me out to my car.  Mike went over to the chairs because his 6:00 group was there and Connor told me that he would be right back.  Megan helped me into my wheelchair  and then Connor came back and wheeled me over to my coat crazily spinning me in circles.

Outside, I was tired but I mentally went over the four step process that Phil always used to tell me for transferring out of my chair and into my car.  Stand. Grab (the open door). Turn (Swivel my hips). Sit (in the driver’s seat).  Connor was there to help me (I usually have trouble with the “Turn” part) but this time I did it ALL BY MYSELF!!!  I bent my knees and Connor had to push my feet in the car a little bit.  On the way home, I thought about how good my legs were feeling and managed to tear up a little AGAIN because Mike was talking about me walking soon so I thought about Phil being right.  “I WILL walk, just not with [him].”  I’m such a crybaby!!!