6.27.14 “Walking Monday”?!

I was a little bit late to Barwis yesterday.  It was warm and my legs were stiff.  Phil stretched my legs and we did manual leg curls.  I asked him if we were walking and he said, “I don’t know.  We’ll probably walk on Monday.” Wait a minute?!  “Walking Monday”?! It’s ALL messed up now!  I thought “Walking Friday” was weird enough!  But now, a “Walking Monday” was just plain CRAZY!

But then, I thought about how scheduling would be weird for me for the next 2 weeks with the holiday coming.  I won’t go to Barwis on Friday of next week and Monday of the following week either.  So then it made a little bit MORE sense.  With a two day workout week, I have to be open to walking on Mondays as well.  I have to remember that I AM in “Phil’s World” and that he has told me that my blog posts DON’T dictate how he runs his training sessions.  Whatever.  Fair enough.

I was inspired by going to the “American Muscle” Premiere on Thursday but this HEAT was NOT my friend so it wasn’t being very kind to me!  Besides, I am going to see Parker before I come to Barwis so that very well MAY be a GOOD thing!  I am grateful that for the most part, my wrists HAVE BEEN getting “their sh** together” since I have been telling them to do so but Parker will make them EVEN better!

Phil helped me get into my car and then he wished me  good weekend and put his fist out to me.  We did that weird hand grabby thing and then he forced my hand into a fist, yelled, “Joystick!”, and closed my door.  Man this heat is NOT COOL but I really feel that Parker can help.  In fact, I’m banking on it so bring on the “Walking Monday”!!!