3.11.14 Phil’s World

I was nervous driving to Barwis yesterday.  I didn’t want to end up on the ground (not transferring correctly from my car) and I did not want my speech to go all wonky again.  I pull up to the back doors (they were open) and Nick runs out to help me.  So I was able to transfer safely because Nick was there.  He grabbed my crutches from the trunk and my speech was still okay.  Phil stretched me out at the Kaiser machine and got me ready to stand.  First WAS the worst but then I was able to stand, fighting pretty hard for it with Phil’s encouragement that I, “Push through it.”  I stood with a *BINK.*  I made a tally mark on my imaginary tally board when Phil told me to sit down.

I was able to complete 3 stands on my own, unassisted.  It was after the 3rd stand that Phil told me that we weren’t going to walk today.  WHAT?!  I told him, “But I wore my camo socks!”  Then I said, “I have 1 bad day!…” (refering to Monday)  He told me that that wasn’t it and that, “This is MY world.”  I laughed at that and told him that I will defer to his Kinesiology degree in this case.  He wanted to make it a “Walking Friday” from now on.  Well, that definitely doesn’t have the same ring to it as “Walking Wednesday”!  But whatever Phil says.  I trusted Jesse and now I trust Phil.   Phil helped me with 2 more.  I now had 5 tally marks on my imaginary tally board.  I think it was after the 4th stand that I looked at my hands and showed Phil.  I now have two little calluses on each hand by my middle and ring fingers.  He said after looking at them, “Welcome to my world.”  But I thought I was already in “Phil’s World”?

Phil left and brought back a teal bumpy ball looking thing.  I asked him what the half popcorn ball was called and he shrugged and said that that was what it was called.  I stood 3 more times with the half popcorn ball between my knees so Phil’s hands were free to help better position my body.  Standing felt SO GOOD!!!  I stood a total of 8 times yesterday.  Phil helped me get into my car but I mostly got in by myself.  It was A LOT better day at Barwis even though it wasn’t a “Walking Wednesday.” Let’s see what “Walking Friday” brings…