4.16.14 “Walking Wednesday” #24

My legs didn’t start feeling tight until I pull up to Barwis yesterday.  Phil told me to relax when he was stretching me out.  When he told me to go to the turf, I didn’t even put my hands up and “weee!” when I went down the ramp so I had to back up for a redo.  Phil told me that he is going to laugh at me that one time when my foot gets stuck and I fall on my face.  I told him unfazed  that,  “then he will have to pick me up.”

Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” came on the radio and Lindsay was dancing before we started.  My first down, I got no gain on the play.  I stood up and my right foot wasn’t having any part of it so I sat down again.  It’s okay though!  I told myself and said it out loud with a shake of my head “First is the worst.”  My 2nd down, I got 10 yards.  I got that conversion and I was tired so I couldn’t go any further but I remained standing (LARGELY because Phil was holding me up!) but I remained on my feet.  For my 3rd down I was at 9 yards and I told Lindsay and Phil that I was going to get that 1st down – I was pushing to get 10!  I couldn’t.  I tried REALLY hard though.  I remained on my feet and Phil had to hold me up a little bit less.  My 4th down, Eric was behind me and I am MOST proud of this down to date I think.  So I have Phil on my left and Lindsay on my right and Eric is behind me pushing my chair.  All 3 of them were shouting encouragements at me.  I only got 2 yards but that is the HARDEST I have ever fought for yards so I am MOST proud of that drive.  I thought I was going to collapse but I didn’t.  I “grabbed my guts” and got 2 yards off.  Phil REALLY had to hold me up as my chair was brought to me on this one!  I got 21 yards yesterday.  “Little by little…”

It was “Camo Wednesday” and I recently got a different camo shirt while I was at the army surplus store.  I explained to the salesmen about my training at Barwis and “Camo Wednesday” and how I don’t wear camo.  I had to get a new bag (that’s why I was there).  My purse is an ammunition bag.  My Mom HATES it but it’s me and it was easier when my son was young to get him to carry my purse.  I have patches to put on it.  I have sergeant stripes because my Dad was a sergeant and his “4th army” patch.  That was the platoon he was in.  I talked with the salesman about my Dad’s service when I was there.  He showed me the  Tigerstripe camouflage that he said was the type of camouflage they wore in Vietnam.  Naturally, that was the shirt that I ended up getting.  I have to tell Jesse about my new shirt and it’s unveiling at “Walking Wednesday” #24.

So, doing 46 squats and walking 21 yards in one week so far is a pain in the butt!  LITERALLY!  But I “grabbed my guts good” Daddy!
TOTAL YARDAGE 272 and 2 steps